MEA and CREATE for STEM at MSU bring you professional learning opportunities - that aren't scary!

MEA and CREATE for STEM at MSU bring you professional learning opportunities - that aren't scary!


The Michigan Education Association (MEA) is excited to bring you an October filled with professional development with help from the CREATE for STEM Institute at Michigan State University. 

All of the sessions are offered after school hours via webinar format. 

The first session is Oct 11, 6-7:30pm: Grammar for ELA Teachers: Resources You Can Use Right Now

The second session features our very own postdoctoral researchers Cory Miller and Christie Morrison Thomas, on Oct 12, from 4-5:30pm. Come join in to hear about Project Based Learning for Student Engagement and Success. 

For the full schedule of October webinars, open the flyer (attached at bottom) or go to The Center for Leadership and Learning.  

To register for any of the sessions, use the QR code on the flyer.