Centre for Innovation and Teacher Education and Development (CITED) presentation, Jan. 26

Centre for Innovation and Teacher Education and Development (CITED) presentation, Jan. 26


** The recording of Hidah's talk is available at: https://teacherscollege.zoom.us/rec/share/LeGrADuEpQ4O30DNtiiaXG2LhqhO6nRr0VDRVbxAtkxA47Z426OpCEgTiFxlWmqp.lUY1BQ4BPWnZeQ2v

CITED Conversations is a collaboration between Teachers College, Columbia, and King's College, London. Featured on Wednesday, January 26th is CREATE's Dr. Hilda Makori presenting "Reconceptualizing equity and social justice in science teaching". 

All are welcome! Please pass this information to other interested colleagues. Thank you!

Zoom Meeting ID: 98116467111, no passcode needed.